sorriso innocenza

easy peasy lemon squeasy, so many things to say about me!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Graduation Day!

Let's see who we have here... that's my class' vice president, Siu Hoong... and that's Mark with his arm around him (hehe), me (in the middle, because Denise and Mark were standing so far apart! HAHA) -- Denise, she looks so happy, damn I'm going to miss her when we all leave for separate colleges -- and Sue-Mae! Yay! Sue-Mae rocks!

Prefects galore! Victor (he's smiiiling, it's so nice to see him smile in the picture!), Zaty (nobody can look more adorable than her!), Jun-Xiang (he didn't have to wear his blazer! Lucky fella..), and yours truly -- I meant to crop the bottom of the photo because I've been captured doing strange things to my fingers, but I got too lazy to do it.. so people, do me a favour and just cover the bottom half of the picture with your own hand! Thank you mucho mucho! *muah*

Okay, this picture I just had to put here! Denise finally got a lovely new watch (pink!! haha how totally unexpected) and I meant to take a picture of it, and then somehow our usual little bickering led me to include her face into this.. and now you can't see the watch properly! Hahahahhahaa.. mannnn, this will be the part of Graduation Day that I'll remember... even 30 years from now ... hahahahhhh... cos she looks like she's going to punch the photographer.. who, incidentally, was me... HAHHAHA...

You know, when Denise saw this page, I got a comically- explosive little text message going "Why are there so many pictures of me in your blog! Is it your blog or mine? People will get confused!"

Hey peeps! This is my classroom, and none of them are my classmates except Denise! AHahhaha -- that's Carmen hidden between my big head and Cheryl's laughing face.. that's Stefanie on the far right, and Azrina at the back! ;) I love these people! All of them are at my prom table except for Stef.

Sue-Mae & Sara will also be at my prom table! And there are 3 more people, but I somehow seem to have forgotten who they are... sorry!! I'll check with DeeDee and Sue-Mae the next time I see them!

I meant for this picture to look romantic.. but the effect didn't turn out as I planned it -- but it still looks quite nice, doesn't it? That's Mark and Denise. *beams proudly* Hard to imagine I was yelling "Look happy or we'll take this twenty times over!" the whole time.

Mark's going to be a hugely successful dentist when he grows up and Denise is going to be an actuarist. I just had to get a picture of these two success stories before they actually became successful, so that if I ever do a coverage of either, I have "photos from their youth". Whowwww... now that's looking far ahead.. ;D

In conclusion... yah, ok, I know SMKDJ calls it "Majlis Perpisahan Tingkatan 5", but it's such a dull title.. plus "Graduation Day" sounds so much more interesting. Hehe!

Narrations after SPM - cheerios, good luck for your exams everyone!! *muah*

P.S: Vanessa, if you're reading this, I got you pictures of Gayle, Bor Yean & Henry! ;)

P.P.S: With me in the pictures of course.

P.P.P.S: To those who are reading this, please don't use more than "P.S" in exam essays because I did that here, I'm not even altogether sure if we're allowed to add postscripts in exam essays.


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