sorriso innocenza

easy peasy lemon squeasy, so many things to say about me!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Adventures of Bubble Tea

Hey all!~

If there ever was a comic strip dedicated to the chronicles of my seventeenth year of life, the first issue should be called "The Adventures of Bubble Tea and Golden Fashion". I know I should give myself a better nickname, say, Pork Chops or Fatty-Bom-Bom; but since I was knighted Bubble Tea by Wei June (Cherry Pie) and Laura (Choco Muffin) -- I shall stick to the nickname like elephant glue and not let it escape my clumsy clutches!

You know I've only ever had two favourite comics in my entire life? The first was definitely Sailormoon, wow I think everyone who knew me back in primary school knew that I was semi-obsessed with Sailormoon. I would invent Sailormoon pretend games, and my best friends (Xuyen & Tse Mun) would play them with me. Tse Mun would be Sailor Jupiter (long hair in ponytail), Xuyen would be Sailor Mercury (short hair) and I, nine-year-old Sha-Lene, would bear the burdens of.. you guessed it - Sailormoon. Or was I Sailor Venus? Okay, I can't really remember. I used to draw really ugly versions of Sailormoon in my spare time, and invent my own storylines and plots, adding characters. I also used to draw them for my friends who wanted me to draw pictures for them (although I drew really badly!). Hahaha, those were the days!

Oh, and my other favourite comic was definitely Crayon Shin Chan! I only ever read one issue of it, the Bahasa Melayu version belonging to my mum's youngest brother. It was hilarious! I read it over and over so it felt like I had the whole series. The story introduced the most twisted sense of humour I had ever encountered! HAHAHA it makes me laugh just to think about it.. for those who don't know what Crayon Shin Chan is all about.. it uses words like "Seluar dalam tidak tercuci selama 2 minggu berputar-putar!" and "menyamar sebagai tahi". It's just so darn funny!

Sometimes when I'm cleaning a drawer or cupboard, I stumble across old comics and stories I used to create when I was in primary school - it looks like I really had a thing for drama! Could have transformed the whole series into a soap opera man.. and it turns out I used to love writing vampire stories! My characters would be flying here and there (with blood-red capes and all), hopping around (influenced by the Chinese mythical zombies, keong see) and drinking orange juice instead of blood. Yup, sure sounds like me all right.

Wah I'm playing MSN game after MSN game with Denise at the moment. I'm so lousy at all of them except Hexic, ahaha. And that's only because she leaves the room sometimes! ;)

Well, as indicated in today's blog title -- Golden Fashion is Daphne btw! 'Cos she's got golden hair and is going to be a fashion designer next time -- I went on the most adventurous shopping spree in my entire life!

We originally went to 1-Utama (I call it 1-u, but Wei June calls it O-U.. hahah just a fun fact), and we headed straight for GSC. Bought tickets for "Just Like Heaven", where they weren't taking student cards (weekends cannot) and Daphne mistook the row facing the screen as the back row -- hahaha. Then we went shopping! Movie was at 11.40am, and it was already 11am.. so we just went to the supermarket-ish place and got bubbleteas (bubbles weren't too great, not like me, the actually Bubble Tea)... then bought earrings (3 for RM10) at random shops. It was fun, because ever since I pierced my ears I've become highly engrossed in earring-shopping. Plus it's interesting because the earrings Daphne picked out for me (I have a reputably bad taste in fashion) were very different from the ones Tse Mun ordinarily picks for me. Both kinds are really nice, of course! Tse Mun picks out soft pinks and blues with butterflies and flowers, while Daphne picks out unconventional, earthly, natural-looking earrings that are slightly more elaborate. Very interesting indeedy.

Then, while buying popcorn & soft drinks to wolf down during the movie, we met a Form 4 (next year Form 5) prefect named Min Li. She's a very pretty girl! Daphne started teasing her about her boyfriend, ahahah, and I started checking out the different types of popcorn they offered. We each got a caramel popcorn (small, because I reasoned with Daphne : "How much popcorn can we possibly eat in 2 hours?" Yeah.. this was a stupid move, as you'll later come to read about! ;D) and coke. Then we were off to Hall 13 and Daphne bounded confidently down the aisle while I crept down, terrified that things were going to fly out of the dark and grab me. Also, the cinema was very loud! The surround sound makes you feel like you're actually part of what ever is going on on the screen. Haha! Then... we settled down into the extra-roomy GSC seats and started to watch... the adverts. The adverts went on for about TWENTY minutes, by which time half of our popcorn had been eaten! Upon realizing we were literally WOLFING down the tiny caramel popcorn bits, Daphne leaned over and said, really innocently.. "I think we should have gotten the Regular." Hahahah!!

Then "Just Like Heaven" finally started, and it was hilarious! Mark Ruffalo & Reese Witherspoon are a dream team, and they really brought their characters to life! The entire audience was shaking with laughter every few minutes. I, naturally, was laughing like a turkey (according to mum) and a horse (according to Sahira).. but someone else in the audience was laughing like a hippo in labour, so I felt rather at home. :D

I love public places! There's nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing is weird! Except when after the movie, when I nearly collided headfirst into the heavy swing doors we go through to enter the main shopping complex part again.. and also when I was laughing so hard at the escalator that people stopped to stare. I grinned broadly at them.. c'mon folks, people shouldn't walk around looking so gloomy all the time! Oh, and Daphne was telling me about some clubbers getting arrested for PDA (Public Display of Affection) ... and in a somewhat relevant acronym, I refuse to conform in the matter of my PDH (Public Display of Happiness)!

Oh yeah, after the movie, the original plan was to try this restaurant... umm I can't remember the name... but anyway, it serves Hong Kong food, and Daphne said it's great.. but then, Daphne suggested we go to the flea market in The Curve! AHAHHAHA so you can imagine what a new thing it is for me to change shopping complexes, but I was all for it! SPM does things to you, mann, it makes you a better person... you'll learn to appreciate how much freedom you have to do things, and that you gotta do what you want to do, and not say "Later, another time". Before SPM, I would not have been likely to try a new restaurant, or do anything more adventurous than switching tissue paper brands.

Then the first time I did tried a new unfamiliar restaurant without my parents forcing me to, was with Denise at Sunway Pyramid. We went to a Japanese restaurant! It really opened the gates for me. But I was still more comfortable with old personal favourites like TGIF's, or Barn Thai (which I think is now closed! *mourns* It was only really good on Sundays anyway..). However, going out with Daphne just makes me braver -- she's very independent and matured, plus she's also extremely well-mannered and considerate! Daphne is someone I can actually trust, who won't suddenly turn on me and drive a spear through my back. Loyalty is difficult to find in this era of modernization and technology... therefore, when found, we shouldn't take it for granted! Hehe ... there is no wonder at all that ex-Head Prefect Craig Lee is head over heels in love with her! Which guy wouldn't be? ;D Lucky Craigy!!

Back to the point - now I'm all for trying new places, new food, new things!

I think I'm finally growing up!

Anyway, back to the story, we took a TAXI to The Curve! A taxi! At that point, I felt like such a grown-up. We were fortunate enough to have a very nice taxi driver too! He used the meter and did NOT try to con us. Maybe it's because I come in such a dinosaur-sized package that he was afraid he wouldn't survive if I took a swing at him... or sat on him. Heheee!! Daphne said that a taxi driver tried to con her once, because she looked like a foreigner (again, refer to: golden hair). Before this, I did not realise that I should always check if the taxi driver switches on the meter. Now I know!

We went to the flea market at The Curve (opens from 10am to 6pm every Saturday and Sunday! Cool huh, I never knew until today... I know, I know, I should get out more, ahahah). There were so many cool things! Accessories, clothes, cloth, whoaa.... I definitely want to go back there!

Then we marched around IKANO checking out restaurants, and we finally settled down at Big Ben for chicken stuffed with rice. AHAHHA! I packed all the bones back for Troy (Daphne packed her chicken bones up for him too!) -- the waiter was looking at me one kind man! HAHAHA... I think it was because I asked for a plastic bag to take away what was left of my dish. Then I had to explain "Untuk anjing.." Grown-ups can be SO humourless sometimes! Hahaha...

And then, it was time to go home. Mummy gave Daphne a ride to her condo (good thing too, now mum knows where Daphne lives, because Daphne wants me to go over soon so that she can style my hair! HAhahha I think it is because I have so much hair on my head that people can practice hairstyling/fashion with it. HAHAHA!!


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