sorriso innocenza

easy peasy lemon squeasy, so many things to say about me!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Famous Friends of F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Skimming through the photos in this blog, I couldn't help but notice the lack of variety with the snapshots -- everything's just pose-"say cheese!"-*flash*.. so, I decided to post up the more interesting stills I had on my computer. At times like this I wish I knew how to do all the graphic imaging and photoshop stuff (intend to learn the basics after SPM) -- but let's make do with what we've got so far... heheee... this is going to be fun.. but firstly, photographs courtesy of The Star, Berita Harian and Malay Mail ... umm did I miss out any other copyright babble?

And... I love photos!! (Love sharing them even more, taking into account my vanity & thick-skinned big-headedness ;)) This is what I like about -- you can upload as many pictures as you like, and you can upload half a dozen at one go. But my old blog ( had its pros too, because the font was nicer -- and the chatbox was ready made and much prettier. Hmm.. but I've recently stumbled across more interesting blog hosts... ahhh ahhaha but I hope I'll keep this one! I'm just randomly typing away while waiting for the photos to load.

Notice: Sorry, there's been some sort of error with the uploading. I won't be able to upload the pictures today -- but I will another time, so I'll edit this entry again later.

Do you know who my oldest friends are? Bryan Har and Jonathan James Tan. Bryan was my next-door neighbour (now he lives across the street, since I've moved) and I used to play with him after school every day when we were in primary school. We're not very close friends now, but we'll always be good friends because we're childhood friends, haha -- I even wrote this year's yearbook story (title: Making a Difference) for him, though I don't think he knows it. But he's definitely my #1 oldest friend -- and his friendship means a lot to me.

Oh, and this reminds me -- I read in Melissa's blog that she loves this year's edition of Nostalgia (my school yearbook). So, on behalf of the Editorial Board, I say a hearty thank-you to her!! Yay, I feel so happy when ever somebody says that they love this year's magazine. Being the EIC is definitely the most rewarding experience that I'll have with me after I leave school. All those late-night "emergency" calls from Edboardians, frantically telling me stuff like the photos for that article has been accidentally deleted by the photographer's sister, what-do-we-do-what-do-we-do .. cameras running out of batteries halfway through an event... who's supposed to be covering this event? me? i thought it was you! ... nobody for the Tamil department this year (I am beginning to fear that Tamil is becoming a lost language in my school...) because teacher rejected the brave few who applied... so many good memories... even more funnier ones... and nowadays, the edboardians just asking me if we're having a high-tea/dinner this year. Heck yeah!! But we may have to pay ourselves-lah, HAHAHA... and another really awesome thing, at Kasturi seminar the other day, I brought the magazine (Xuyen wanted to see it, so that she could decide if she wanted to buy it -- she decided yes! ;)) -- and two really cool things happened because I brought the mag.

The row of girls behind me & Ching asked "Is that the DJ yearbook? Can we see it?" Those 9 beautiful, beautiful words... DJ yearbook ... they wanted to see it... *grins happily*... and the second nice thing that happened -- I made a new friend, the girl sitting beside me. She said to me, "Umm, I noticed you're the editor of your school magazine.. I was wondering if you can tell me how you get sponsors? Because I noticed that DJ has quite a number of advertisers.." And that was the start of a new friendship! It turns out she's the head of the Financial Dept for the BBGS edboard, and she needs advice on how she's going to teach the juniors how to run next year's board. Hehe, and I'm always happy to be of any help to people who are actually interested in learning! :D

At the end of it, I just feel so proud to be DJian. I always thought, "No difference between all secondary schools in PJ.. don't know why so many people make a big deal out of DJ.." but now, five years in this school and I couldn't be happier to have studied here. It isn't that the other schools aren't just as good -- in fact, some schools may be even better, e.g: Victoria Institution (my parents' old school, hehe), but it comes down to the fact that I've been a part of my school. Who says extra co-curricular activities are a waste of time? They built my strongest friendships, and taught me the most valuable lessons I've obtained so far. Classrooms are the box that we have to think out of.

Oh, no, I've gotten carried away -- so far off the original topic now. My second-oldest friend is Jonathan James Tan. He's really played an important role in my life because we were best friends in kindergarten and lower primary. But I refused to lose touch with good ol' Jon! We went to separate secondary schools, but see, we're still good friends. It really takes effort, though, it's so easy to lose touch with old friends once you go to different schools and are not in the same tuitions. The last time I saw him was last year, at his 16th birthday party -- it was wild! Definitely one of two of my favourite birthday celebrations -- his 16th and Vanessa's 17th b'day are at the top of my list. But y'know, I don't even go to that many birthday parties -- there are family parties, and then there are friends' parties. In these two years, I've only been to Pei Lee's, Yi Ping's, Tse Mun's, Denise's, Jon's and Vanessa's! Did I forget any? Don't think so, hehe. But each of them I treasure very much, and birthday people -- thank you for inviting me! *muah*

Ok, sleepy-time. Cheerios!

P.S: Did you notice that half the birthday parties nowadays are thrown in shopping centres? Hehe. Clever parents! It's really so that us teenagers don't make a mess in the house.


  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Joshua said…

    omigosh. *points at other comment* they're advertising...n/m.

    hope you're doing well. i see you have tysern on your links, ands you're still friends with Jonathan, Vanessa and Tse Mun.

    We should like, get a reunion or something...Yen Woon, Xuyen and Yew Choe are in my and Li Sher's cousin is at my school too. with friendster and all, shouldn't be too difficult.

    well, that's all.

    Good luck with SPM and all that jazz.

    Meng Hng

  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger Chien said…

    hey girl...just popping by to say hello and all the best for SPM!

  • At 8:38 PM, Blogger Sha-Lene said…

    Yes!! Reunion! Yay, call me ya! Xuyen has my number (I won't put it here for obvious reasons -- *stares at rather porno-ish advert*) I dunno how those spam adverts get into this blog! Say hello to Yen Woon for me!


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