sorriso innocenza

easy peasy lemon squeasy, so many things to say about me!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

DJ Gala Prom Night

Hey everyone! :D

Before I launch on to a detailed narration of prom night (last night), please take note that the tagboard, links, etc have all magically been shifted to the bottom of this page. So just drag the bar at the side all the way to the bottom whenever you want to check out a link or tag on the board ok!

With that part over and done with --

Wasn't prom night an absolute blast? I laughed so much all night that my jaws were aching afterward, and I totally forgot about actually eating the food that the waiters were serving us... which was a pity, because the food at J.W.Marriott was pretty good!

All righty, first things first! My version of prom night was really divided into 3 main parts; pre-prom, prom night & what I like to call... the "afterprom".

#1: Pre-Prom

This part was, annoyingly, fairly amusing.

The day before prom, I went for the Nostalgia gathering (which was attended by less than TEN people) and bored me to tears. It wasn't a complete failure because people still showed up, but I was pretty peeved with the Nostalgians who came to 1-Utama but did not come to TGIF's. Either way, I know better than to ever suggest having a Nostalgia gathering ever again... throughout the year, the Nostalgians have been constantly asking me to try and arrange something -- but when I finally give Soraya the instructions, they don't even come. Hahahha... all right, I know a major factor for this -- we had to pay for ourselves. And, the Editorial Board isn't a "cool" society. And, some of them are afraid of Pn.Wong, who couldn't make it either. *laughs helplessly*

Oh... BUT two fantastic things came out of such a lousy gathering -- firstly, I went shopping with Soraya and I bought my first denim jacket! It actually fit well, and that pretty much made my day. Secondly, Tse Mun & Nadia came and I went shopping + watched the movie "Chicken Little" with them. It was like a picnic with two of my best friends. It was wonderful, I guess everything happens for a reason; and when something bad happens, something good will happen! :)

Then when I got back from 1-Utama (at about 11.30pm), I returned Carmen's call about hairstyling -- it turned out that I had completely forgotten about hairstyle, and began panicking as I hadn't planned anything -- didn't book any appointments with the hairstylist, didn't have any curlers, didn't have glitter... *ROTFL* basically, I felt completely unprepared.. but armed with a hair-straightener, I felt it was enough to look oh-kay.

Hmm.. but I must admit, the night before prom really created a substantial amount of pressure... quite a number of my classmates even dropped out of prom & sold their tickets. But I was so burned out from a whole day out, that I just threw some stuff into my overnight bag and went to sleep.

The next morning, I threw on a black t-shirt & a pair of jeans; and we all met up at Denise's place. We reached Dorsett Regency about 2pm, and checked into 2 rooms. Carmen, Denise & Cheryl's hair looked great; for they had just had them done that morning -- all curly and fancy~ Hehe I felt so plain; but since me and curls don't go together, I was okay with straight hair. I mean, everyone who knows me knows that I've somewhat of a weakness for curly hair (i.e: Josh Groban) ... but I can't have curly hair! My embarassingly large quantity of hair will look like a lion's mane if I ever curl it!

I believe I would have been the new face for the lion in Narnia.... *laughs helplessly*...

Upon reaching our extremely comfy hotel rooms (I thought it was 5-star, but it turned out Denise was right -- it was only 4-star..). But in comparison to the 5-stars in most European countries, the Dorsett was a hotel paradise! Air-conditioning was great, beds were wonderfully bouncy, bathroom was bright and CLEAN... carpets were great... no complaints! A very special thank you to Denise's mum who set all this up for us as a treat!! :D

Azrina arrived on her own, and joined Denise, Carmen, Cheryl & I in our room. I was really looking forward to our mega-sleepover; I haven't bunked with big groups of friends since prefects' camp way back in 2003! Haha. Mmm.. then everyone went off to hunt for a saloon (Azrina to do her hair, Cheryl to redo it (!!))... only me & Denise hung back to watch TV... LOL I know... we're such couch potatoes... Scooby Doo 2 actually served as a form of fantastic entertainment for us.............

By the time, 5pm came, we decided it was time to get ready....

#2: Prom Night

To be continued another day... will upload photos and all when I have the time! Hahaha I want to wait for Sue-Mae to upload our KL Tour & Posing pictures. Hehehe!!


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