sorriso innocenza

easy peasy lemon squeasy, so many things to say about me!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Things To Do When Bored

Ok, I'm not actually bored - I like answering quizzes and questionnaires during my spare time. Now that the exams are over, I'm planning to spend this week wasting my time. :D Friday after EST was very productive, though, because I gave away all my SPM stuff. Then I started cleaning out my cupboards and drawers. My room literally looked like it'd been hit by a tornado. After I got too tired to continue cleaning and organising my books and all, I had a nice long sleep from about 2am to 8am.

I woke up the next morning and continued organising! It's like after the exams end, I become extra-hardworking. I cleaned and cleaned out my cupboards until they were nearly empty, and started drawing out charts to simulate my cupboards and drawers. I even planned what category of things to put inside which shelf. Do you know I actually label each shelf?

If I were to ever pick a character from F.R.I.E.N.D.S that I was most similar to, it'd probably be Monica! I lack the strength of her competitive trait though (which isn't a very good thing when students are supposed to be 'kiasu', I can be very couldn't-care-less like Rachel, and I always come up with ridiculous theories like Phoebe. Hahah! Nobody knows this better than my mum and Denise! ;)

Anyway, I've temporarily stopped cleaning. I took a break today, ended up waking up at 3pm. Seriously, THREE o'clock in the afternoon! Amazing.. I think it was because I was reading Wei June's copy of "Memoirs of a Geisha" until almost 6am. Hahaha... the book is really good! I'm planning to continue reading it once I crawl back into bed (should be about 3am today by the time I do that). Thank you, Junie!! It's a fantastic book!~

Oh yeah, and all I did today was lie on the carpet and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S! I watched the whole Season 9, and was halfway through Season 10 when Daddy called and asked me to get Hui Yee's number. I forgot to write it down when she gave it to me, so I had to go switch on the computer, log on and hunt through MSN's Message History. Managed to retrieve the number... *phew* what can I say? Thank you, Message History! Haha. I intend to continue watching Season 10 tomorrow morning. I think I was up to the episode where Ross went a bit nutsy... F.R.I.E.N.D.S is a brilliant comedy, it makes me laugh so hard that my voice grows hoarse. Hahah...

Oh YEAH, this entry is supposed to be me answering quizzes and questionnaires. Ok, this first one I found in Chien Hui's blog, and I thought it was interesting:

IF you could choose one thing to bring home from Harry Potter's magical world, what would it be and why?

Say no more -- I would bring back my own magic wand! I wonder what it would be made of? Holly and unicorn tail-hair? Maybe! I'd use it to do magic, obviously.. Haha, I would actually prefer to bring back Ron Weasley, but he's not a "thing" so I can't do that... if I wasn't able to actually use a wand because I am, as we all know it, a Muggle (*sigh*), then I would bring back a bottle of Felix instead... oh yeahhh... yeah I'd definitely do that... except maybe it wouldn't be just a bottle, I'd 'tapau' the whole cauldron and sell it on E-Bay. Muahahaha!

IF you could change yourself into something/someone else, who/what would it be and why?

Oh, I answered this question in SPM! The English paper.. hmm anyway, I guess I would change myself into Karpal Singh. LOL just kidding! I don't know what or who I would change myself into, I don't think I would exchange my life for anything in the world.. :)

IF you were to die today, what would be things you would do?

Wow. Good question. What would I do? I suppose I wouldn't sit here and blog about it, of course. I'd write as many poems and stories as I can. I'd do everything I can do to immortalise my identity on this earth... like in the poem "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare.

So long as men can breathe and eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

I'm not so sure about the "and eyes can see" part, whether I've accidentally made that up or it was actually in the poem, since my Eng lit has gone to rust... but you get the gist! ;)


And these questions I found in Chia Wen's blog.. wanted to answer them a long time ago, but decided to wait until after SPM.. hehe...

Seven things I wanna do before I die :
1. Write a novel about my ancestors -- got the mind maps ready, just haven't started proper story haha
2. Sing a song for my family and friends
3. Learn to play at least one song properly on my trumpet (which is just collecting dust, really!)
4. Learn to speak & write in Mandarin
5. Tutor younger students for English and Mathematics
6. Read the 7th and final Harry Potter book
7. Get married and have children! Hehe..

Seven things I could do now :
1. Organise all my belongings (I understand that you are now scared of me.)
2. Watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S
3. Read every novel in the house I haven't read yet (haha there are a LOT! my parents read a lot!)
4. Go to sleep
5. Watch TV
6. Play on the piano
7. Play with Troy

*Note: Sorry, didn't put "shopping with friends" up there because I interpreted the question as what I could do now, at 2.30am.

Seven celebrity crushes :
1. Josh Groban
2. Josh Hartnett
3. Nicholas Cage
4. David Schwimmer
5. Keanu Reeves
6. Rupert Grint
7. Orlando Bloom

*Note: I cannot believe Brad Pitt could not fit on that list!

Seven often repeated words/phrases/sounds :
1. Ouch!
2. Aiya...
3. Aiyoh~
4. Ok lah
5. Sure sure no problem
6. Umm...
7. What!

Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex :
1. At least 5' 8"
2. Still has lots of hair on head (Wei June will understand this one, haha!)
3. Sparkly eyes, not the dull & sullen kind
4. Healthy
5. Nice smile that reaches eyes
6. Pink nails (LOL it says a lot about health ok!)
7. Clean & neat *cleanliness is next to godliness* haha!

Seven people to tag :
1. Wei June (u did say u'd start a blog! ;D)
2. Denise (yah u gotta start a blog~)
3. Sue-Mae
4. Tysern
5. Vanessa
6. William Kemp
7. Jacklyn Oh!! ;)

Getting tagged means having a cyber-obligation to answer the same questions I just did. Hehe if you want to lah, if you don't want to then that's perfectly okay. Some people just don't like spending their time doing these kinda things~

All right, going to see if there are any more random personality tests, etc on the Internet! If I don't return to continue, it means I gave up halfway and decided to curl up under the warm comforters in my room to read Memoirs of a Geisha. Seriously, it's an amazing story; so far I'm still at the funny parts -- haven't reached any parts that'll make me cry. Chiko's only just turned twelve. I'm still hating Hatsumomo. And I still can't believe what Satsu went all the way back to do! I wonder what will happen between Tanaka and Chiko? Or was it Chiro? Oh my goodness, I can't remember the MAIN character's name but I can remember every other name in between. *rolls eyes* Typical me. I know that she later becomes Satsuri, though... I think... why do I find Japanese names difficult to remember? Actually, I find Chinese names a bit hard to remember too. Unless they're really catchy, like Ching Ling or Lee Ting or Yi Ping. Heheee.... ;D

Am picking up Wei June at a quarter to three tomorrow to go shopping, then 4.30pm will be the Nostalgia gathering. I doubt even ten people will show up; it seems like everyone has other plans or don't want to come. Yeah, that's the spirit people! It really doesn't even bother me any more than most people just aren't very enthusiastic about things, it's the way they are. If everyone were as hyper as me, I think the world would be overpopulated with people bouncing randomly off each other like in Gerakan Brown. Aih, but all the same, it would still be a lot better if the Nostalgians could all just stop and appreciate what we're doing for them, organising the gathering and all.

It makes me so mad when Nostalgians ask me, "We did so much for the school, why do we still have to pay for ourselves? What do we actually get in return?" I know the school doesn't exactly appreciate all the hard work that we've done for the magazine, but every Nostalgian should have joined the board knowing fully that it would require a lot of sacrifice on our part. The school is a business (inspired by an episode from "House"), and they will neither give us the money nor the gratitude that we deserve. But is that really the important part? I think the school has given us more than we ever gave it, by giving us the chance to be part of the Editorial Board. I have learnt so much from Nostalgia, I've made so many friends. That knowledge and those friendships would not have come any other way. And now, we were supposed to have a little reunion. A gathering to toast the success we've tasted by producing a magazine. Every page, every line, every word, every picture. We did it together.

Just ask yourself -- doesn't that count for something?


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