sorriso innocenza

easy peasy lemon squeasy, so many things to say about me!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Famous Friends of F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Skimming through the photos in this blog, I couldn't help but notice the lack of variety with the snapshots -- everything's just pose-"say cheese!"-*flash*.. so, I decided to post up the more interesting stills I had on my computer. At times like this I wish I knew how to do all the graphic imaging and photoshop stuff (intend to learn the basics after SPM) -- but let's make do with what we've got so far... heheee... this is going to be fun.. but firstly, photographs courtesy of The Star, Berita Harian and Malay Mail ... umm did I miss out any other copyright babble?

And... I love photos!! (Love sharing them even more, taking into account my vanity & thick-skinned big-headedness ;)) This is what I like about -- you can upload as many pictures as you like, and you can upload half a dozen at one go. But my old blog ( had its pros too, because the font was nicer -- and the chatbox was ready made and much prettier. Hmm.. but I've recently stumbled across more interesting blog hosts... ahhh ahhaha but I hope I'll keep this one! I'm just randomly typing away while waiting for the photos to load.

Notice: Sorry, there's been some sort of error with the uploading. I won't be able to upload the pictures today -- but I will another time, so I'll edit this entry again later.

Do you know who my oldest friends are? Bryan Har and Jonathan James Tan. Bryan was my next-door neighbour (now he lives across the street, since I've moved) and I used to play with him after school every day when we were in primary school. We're not very close friends now, but we'll always be good friends because we're childhood friends, haha -- I even wrote this year's yearbook story (title: Making a Difference) for him, though I don't think he knows it. But he's definitely my #1 oldest friend -- and his friendship means a lot to me.

Oh, and this reminds me -- I read in Melissa's blog that she loves this year's edition of Nostalgia (my school yearbook). So, on behalf of the Editorial Board, I say a hearty thank-you to her!! Yay, I feel so happy when ever somebody says that they love this year's magazine. Being the EIC is definitely the most rewarding experience that I'll have with me after I leave school. All those late-night "emergency" calls from Edboardians, frantically telling me stuff like the photos for that article has been accidentally deleted by the photographer's sister, what-do-we-do-what-do-we-do .. cameras running out of batteries halfway through an event... who's supposed to be covering this event? me? i thought it was you! ... nobody for the Tamil department this year (I am beginning to fear that Tamil is becoming a lost language in my school...) because teacher rejected the brave few who applied... so many good memories... even more funnier ones... and nowadays, the edboardians just asking me if we're having a high-tea/dinner this year. Heck yeah!! But we may have to pay ourselves-lah, HAHAHA... and another really awesome thing, at Kasturi seminar the other day, I brought the magazine (Xuyen wanted to see it, so that she could decide if she wanted to buy it -- she decided yes! ;)) -- and two really cool things happened because I brought the mag.

The row of girls behind me & Ching asked "Is that the DJ yearbook? Can we see it?" Those 9 beautiful, beautiful words... DJ yearbook ... they wanted to see it... *grins happily*... and the second nice thing that happened -- I made a new friend, the girl sitting beside me. She said to me, "Umm, I noticed you're the editor of your school magazine.. I was wondering if you can tell me how you get sponsors? Because I noticed that DJ has quite a number of advertisers.." And that was the start of a new friendship! It turns out she's the head of the Financial Dept for the BBGS edboard, and she needs advice on how she's going to teach the juniors how to run next year's board. Hehe, and I'm always happy to be of any help to people who are actually interested in learning! :D

At the end of it, I just feel so proud to be DJian. I always thought, "No difference between all secondary schools in PJ.. don't know why so many people make a big deal out of DJ.." but now, five years in this school and I couldn't be happier to have studied here. It isn't that the other schools aren't just as good -- in fact, some schools may be even better, e.g: Victoria Institution (my parents' old school, hehe), but it comes down to the fact that I've been a part of my school. Who says extra co-curricular activities are a waste of time? They built my strongest friendships, and taught me the most valuable lessons I've obtained so far. Classrooms are the box that we have to think out of.

Oh, no, I've gotten carried away -- so far off the original topic now. My second-oldest friend is Jonathan James Tan. He's really played an important role in my life because we were best friends in kindergarten and lower primary. But I refused to lose touch with good ol' Jon! We went to separate secondary schools, but see, we're still good friends. It really takes effort, though, it's so easy to lose touch with old friends once you go to different schools and are not in the same tuitions. The last time I saw him was last year, at his 16th birthday party -- it was wild! Definitely one of two of my favourite birthday celebrations -- his 16th and Vanessa's 17th b'day are at the top of my list. But y'know, I don't even go to that many birthday parties -- there are family parties, and then there are friends' parties. In these two years, I've only been to Pei Lee's, Yi Ping's, Tse Mun's, Denise's, Jon's and Vanessa's! Did I forget any? Don't think so, hehe. But each of them I treasure very much, and birthday people -- thank you for inviting me! *muah*

Ok, sleepy-time. Cheerios!

P.S: Did you notice that half the birthday parties nowadays are thrown in shopping centres? Hehe. Clever parents! It's really so that us teenagers don't make a mess in the house.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

All Hallow's Eve

Happy Halloween!

Did everyone have a good time watching scary shows on TV today? Haha, I think everyone's prolly off to wild costume parties in downtown KL, while I sit at home watching back-to-back comedies about Halloween. But still, I had a really nice day! ;) I love laughing, see, so anything that makes me laugh, I find it worth my time. And here are some scary pictures ... *cackles* as a Halloween treat ... *drumrolls*....

I hope you can recognise our costumes... I'm a pumpkin and Daphne's head looks like it's been misplaced (good effect with the hands too!) -- ahaha, her own words ok! I still think this picture is darn funny, anyway.

Aaaaah! Help me, I'm being pulled apart by the twin ghouls of the dewan perhimpunan! *grins wickedly* Their names are Sook Koon (left) and Lee Ting (right) -- the most adorable ghouls I've ever met! ;)

Title of horror flick:
Attack of the Bespectacled Classmates
Rating: A+++
Parental discretion is advised

Haha! Denise carrying my camera bag for me, and Sin Yee -- I love her dimples! They're deeper than mine! No fair... hahahah...

This photograph was taken with me alone in the picture, but when I uploaded it here, a girl draped in pure white (excuse the bright red name-tag) appeared! *scream*

P.S: Alyaa rocks!!~

By the way, in case any of you were interested in a very brief background piece on Halloween, I got this from a American-Catholic website:

The true origins of Halloween lie with the ancient Celtic tribes who lived in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany. For the Celts, November 1 marked the beginning of a new year and the coming of winter. The night before the new year, they celebrated the festival of Samhain, Lord of the Dead. During this festival, Celts believed the souls of the dead—including ghosts, goblins and witches—returned to mingle with the living. In order to scare away the evil spirits, people would wear masks and light bonfires. Does your family carve a pumpkin to place on your porch for Halloween? If so, then you can once again thank the Irish for the tradition. Actually, the custom began with a turnip. People would hollow out the turnips and place lighted candles inside to scare off the evil spirits. When the Irish came to America, they discovered the pumpkin as a larger substitute for the turnip. And so, we now carve pumpkins instead of turnips for Halloween.
So now you know why we carve pumpkins instead of turnips, but why do we call them jack-o’-lanterns? The name actually comes from the legend of an Irishman named Jack who was forced to roam the earth with only a burning coal inside a pumpkin to light his way because he had never performed a single selfless act throughout his life. Read the whole story behind the custom.
* * * * * * * *
Oh, and besides Halloween stuffies, I thought I'd share some of the stuff I've been learning up for my "life overseas where Mummy isn't there to clean up after me". As usual, I'm relying heavily on my boldly purple-coloured book-of-all-trades -- and some of the cool stuff in there:
#1: Making Candles Burn Longer
Since I'm a fan of essence in burners (favourite scent: green apples), I believe this tip will come in handy. Put your candles for a few hours in the freezing compartment of your fridge before using them. They will then burn longer and better.
#2: Keeping a Puppy Quiet
This is unlikely to be relative in my studying abroad, but for the rest of you, if you need this info.. A young puppy sometimes makes a lot of noise because it is lonely. Put a clock that ticks as company for the puppy in its kennel.
#3: Making Curtain Rails Smooth
Yah, ok, I definitely need this. My brute force has, countless times, wrecked the curtains in my old house. (New house, more careful-lah, ahaha) Sometimes you find it difficult to draw the curtains because the curtain rails are unsmooth. Apply some talcum powder on the rails.
#4: Getting Ketchup Out of a Fresh Bottle
Sometimes you find ketchup won't flow out of a fresh bottle despite some shaking. Insert a drinking straw and push it to the bottom. Enough air will be admitted to start even flow.
#5: Separating Stuck Postage Stamps
When postage stamps are stuck together, place them in the freezer of the fridge. They will usually come apart and the glue can still be used again.
#6: Cleaning Glass Windows and Mirrors
The printing ink that is used in newspapers has a wonderful effect on glass. Wash the dirt off first. Then damp a piece of newspaper and use it to clean your glass windows and mirrors.
#7: Fast Clearing of Smells in the Bathroom
Try lighting a few matches and allow them to burn for a few seconds in the bathroom.
#8: Getting More Juice From Your Lemons and Limes
Before squeezing them, immerse in hot water for about 15 minutes.
Enjoy yourselves trying that stuff out! ;)

sorriso innocenza means "innocent smile"

I don't like disease, and I don't like death.

Yet.. both are inevitable. Part and parcel of life. I guess I'll learn to deal with it eventually, as I grow older and hopefully wiser.

Anyway, Troy's not feeling very well, so we took him for a check-up. His vet (Ben is his name-oh) was really nice (and really cute!) -- but Troy's blood test showed up with parasite-bond infection. He'll be okay (I hope!) but he's on medication now; and curses to ticks! His heartworm jab's due, too -- but Ben can't let him have it because his immune system's kinda low at the moment. Mmm.. other than that, the animal clinic's a pretty interesting place, you know, because all sorts of breeds show up there. Like today, this massive black dog (its name is Blackie) about the size of a wild boar, was brought in -- and this other dog, a rather grumpy beige-coloured skinny dog, was so disturbed that it pissed all over the floor. I didn't see it all, though, because mum and I were in the check-up room with Troy and Ben at the time, so all I heard was a fat lot of high-pitched whining and barking.

When I was younger, I always wanted to have lots of dogs when I grew up -- because my mental image of an ideal family to build involved an employed, decent-looking husband; a few kids; and a few dogs. But now that my family actually has a dog, I realise that unless I marry a guy who's really good at taking care of animals, it's unlikely that I'll have a dog when I'm all grown up. I love them, no doubt, but I don't think I'm mature or independent enough to take care of another creature -- see, I'm not even very good at taking of myself, so it just wouldn't be right to even think about caring for pets. But maybe when I'm older, I'll be more able to do it.. I dunno, we'll see. Difficult as it is to admit, pets are just not in my 10-year plan toward the future.

Oh, and I watched A Cinderella Story just now -- I liked it! Starring Hilary Duff (from Lizzie McGuire) and Chad Micheal Murray (from One Tree Hill). Very romantic, and very dreamy -- and the evil stepmother was even funny (played by the manicurist from Legally Blonde). The usual teen-flick.

Speaking of good movies, I managed to catch Cold Mountain last night, and wow, it really made an impact on me. Not only was I deeply impressed by Renee Zelweger's acting prowess (from Bridget Jones' Diary), by the end of the show I was extremely frustrated about why the home-guard were wasting their time killing the deserters (soldiers who fled from the war), when they could be using that time, energy (and bullets) on whoever they were warring with in the first place. I usually censor my viewing to only shows with happy endings (it's part of my keep-happy principle, I've been using this method ever since I bought the "Self-Hypnosis" book from Australia), and I was a little peeved because Inman (played by Jude Law) just had to die in the end. But surprisingly, I liked the ending -- because the movie didn't end with his death, but went on for another five minutes -- showing a scene 8 years later, where Grace Inman (so cool, Inman somehow managed to impregnate Nicole Kidman's character with just one night of passionate love-making!) sits with the rest of the extended family - her mother Ada (Nicole Kidman's character), Ruby "with the eyes that sparkle" (Rene Zelweger), Ruby's dad, Ruby's husband (both men are deserters of the war) and Sally something (her story's really sad) -- made me start bawling because the home-guard (that darn Captain Teague) killed not only her husband, but both her young sons! And I missed the part about why that happened because I was running upstairs to watch the movie in my room instead of in the living room (mum was switching off everything! "time to go to bed" hmph!). Overall, definitely a movie worth watching. Very moving, and it highlights all the issues our world leaders should have already realised -- I quote Ruby "they made the weather and then they stand there and say shit, it's raining!"

Intend to watch Puteri Gunung Ledang during the Raya, I wonder what the show's about? Oh, and I saw that Astro's advertised about showing Sepet during Raya Pertama, to those who haven't watched it yet -- you should definitely catch it! I borrowed Zaty's VCD to watch it, and it was really good! Not Hollywood-quality, but totally relative to every Malaysian's world. Hehe. "Jason? Mana ada Jason? Ini rumah Cina lah!"

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Graduation Day!

Let's see who we have here... that's my class' vice president, Siu Hoong... and that's Mark with his arm around him (hehe), me (in the middle, because Denise and Mark were standing so far apart! HAHA) -- Denise, she looks so happy, damn I'm going to miss her when we all leave for separate colleges -- and Sue-Mae! Yay! Sue-Mae rocks!

Prefects galore! Victor (he's smiiiling, it's so nice to see him smile in the picture!), Zaty (nobody can look more adorable than her!), Jun-Xiang (he didn't have to wear his blazer! Lucky fella..), and yours truly -- I meant to crop the bottom of the photo because I've been captured doing strange things to my fingers, but I got too lazy to do it.. so people, do me a favour and just cover the bottom half of the picture with your own hand! Thank you mucho mucho! *muah*

Okay, this picture I just had to put here! Denise finally got a lovely new watch (pink!! haha how totally unexpected) and I meant to take a picture of it, and then somehow our usual little bickering led me to include her face into this.. and now you can't see the watch properly! Hahahahhahaa.. mannnn, this will be the part of Graduation Day that I'll remember... even 30 years from now ... hahahahhhh... cos she looks like she's going to punch the photographer.. who, incidentally, was me... HAHHAHA...

You know, when Denise saw this page, I got a comically- explosive little text message going "Why are there so many pictures of me in your blog! Is it your blog or mine? People will get confused!"

Hey peeps! This is my classroom, and none of them are my classmates except Denise! AHahhaha -- that's Carmen hidden between my big head and Cheryl's laughing face.. that's Stefanie on the far right, and Azrina at the back! ;) I love these people! All of them are at my prom table except for Stef.

Sue-Mae & Sara will also be at my prom table! And there are 3 more people, but I somehow seem to have forgotten who they are... sorry!! I'll check with DeeDee and Sue-Mae the next time I see them!

I meant for this picture to look romantic.. but the effect didn't turn out as I planned it -- but it still looks quite nice, doesn't it? That's Mark and Denise. *beams proudly* Hard to imagine I was yelling "Look happy or we'll take this twenty times over!" the whole time.

Mark's going to be a hugely successful dentist when he grows up and Denise is going to be an actuarist. I just had to get a picture of these two success stories before they actually became successful, so that if I ever do a coverage of either, I have "photos from their youth". Whowwww... now that's looking far ahead.. ;D

In conclusion... yah, ok, I know SMKDJ calls it "Majlis Perpisahan Tingkatan 5", but it's such a dull title.. plus "Graduation Day" sounds so much more interesting. Hehe!

Narrations after SPM - cheerios, good luck for your exams everyone!! *muah*

P.S: Vanessa, if you're reading this, I got you pictures of Gayle, Bor Yean & Henry! ;)

P.P.S: With me in the pictures of course.

P.P.P.S: To those who are reading this, please don't use more than "P.S" in exam essays because I did that here, I'm not even altogether sure if we're allowed to add postscripts in exam essays.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

... and the curtains fall.

Judging from every web log within my circle of friends -- DJ-ian or not, everyone seems to be blogging about the same thing. The last day of school. Leaving secondary school. Bye-bye friends we've had for almost our whole lives. Strangely enough, it hasn't fully sunk into me that I'm actually finishing the secondary bit of my education. I am yet to feel the leaving-school blues, or the nostalgia of having to part with long-time companions. I mean, it's not that I'm not going to miss my friends and all the intricate workings of SMK DJ.. but I feel that it's hardly a goodbye; we're still going to see each other in college, in university, while shopping in 1-Utama -- it's a really small world, if you think about it. So.. is it really goodbye? Or am I just in denial? Hah!

It's hard to believe, though, that only five years ago, I was a newbie in secondary school. Developing a massive crush on a classmate on the first day of school (hahhh!!), getting lost on the way back to class from the (shockingly smelly) toilets, believing that I'd have to get donations on that school jogathon card thing or my class teacher would minus 50 marks off my exam results.. ahh, those were the days! Second year.. was moved up a class (from 1 Kempas to 2 Jati), so pretty much had to make friends all over again (luckily Lee Ting and May Ling were always there for me! Big hugs to both of you! ;)).. but I think Form 2 was okay, I can't really remember much about it, though! Hahaha.. and ..

Form 3 was like a year-long waking nightmare. I think I really cracked then, because of PMR (Lower Secondary Govt Exam, not PMS). I believe it was at that point in time, where I was most insecure, most paranoid, and most vulnerable to the common backstabbing most 15-year-olds practise as a hobby. I know I lost a few friends that year, and that really stinks because people lose books, not friends -- people lose pencilcases, people lose money, people lose hair -- but people aren't supposed to lose friends! Well, that's what I thought at that time anyway. How was I supposed to know that everyone around me had once, or more often that that, lost a friend before? And sometimes they didn't even realise it? Nobody talked about that; people talked about their hair, people talked about whether waxing or shaving was better, people talked about which boys/girls were better-looking, people talked about everything under the sun -- but nobody ever said, "Hey, look, that's the friend I lost last year". I guess people aren't meant to talk about it, not meant to discuss it -- maybe it's taboo, like how men whose wives cheated on them don't go into sports bars and tell their friends "Guess what happened just now? I walked in on my wife and the postman!"; or maybe it's just too painful to discuss. Perhaps things are only taboo when they're too painful to discuss! Either way, 2003 was a year of loss and gain for me. Although I lost a few friends, I also made a lot more -- maybe the ones I made were better than the ones I lost. I made friends like Chu Jie, Chien Hui, Adrian Lim, Ning Jia, Pei Shan, Grace, Sook Yeen, Ee Mae, Hui Yee, Tai Ken, Ooi Jin, Sharanjeet, Anne, Craig & Daphne! Well, actually, I think 2003 was completely worth going through. It was, and I won't sugar-coat it this time, living hell. It was waking up every morning, thinking "Oh, I have to see them again today". It was going to sleep every night, indulging in humanity's greatest weakness -- self-pity.

But don't you see it now? It was my own mind tormenting me. It was immaturity, it was just silly ol' me looking for any dramatic distraction from thinking about PMR. Ah.. but see? I needed that in my life. One shocking, mortifying year -- and I came out of the other side of the cave, a whole new person. I won't say I changed entirely; that I stopped colliding into things and getting blueblacks all over my arms and legs, that I stopped talking and laughing loudly and frequently (although I didn't do much laughing in 2003, even all the teachers noticed it) -- but I definitely came out tougher, more secure about myself, more confident, much more thick-skinned and resolutely not caring about what people say behind my back. Because, you know, only people who are unhappy with themselves speak ill of others behind their backs anyway. Oh, come on, we all know what we're thinking of whenever we gossip about someone else: "Oh, that person's got a flaw.. oh, cool, I don't have that flaw.. come on, everyone, let's talk about that person's flaw". It's normal human behaviour. To step on to other people, in order to raise themselves higher.

I don't know if everyone noticed the change in me -- 2004 was a second chance for me, certainly, and I think that after all these years of schooling, these past two years have made it all worthwhile. Upper secondary school has been.. wow, I can't think of words to describe how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to experience the apex of secondary school. The friends I've had in Form 4 & Form 5 are friends that I know I'm going to keep for the rest of my life. Denise, Wei June, Lydia, Laura, Sahira, Daphne, Izzati, Syahirah, Sofia, Sin Yee, Yi Ping, Mabel, Victor, Beng Keat, Ern Sheong, Joshua, Kin Ian, Zaid (not so close to him, but I think he has a very good sense of humour), Henry, Xin Kai, Mark, Chan Shen... wow, the list is endless, I should just scan my class name list here for good measure! To those I've somehow forgotten to mention, don't worry, I just can't remember everyone's names at the moment.. haha.. oh, and my friends from other classes.. Su Lynn, Wai Yee, Sue-Mae, Chia Wen, Kathryn, Alyaa, Christina (sorry if I've spelled your name wrong! ;)), Jamie, Joyce, Sook Yen, Carmen, Mei Chieng, Irena (ok I'm really really sorry if I got your name wrong again! But I keep getting confused ever since Tse Mun told me you were Russian.. hahaa), yah okay I'm too lazy to type any more now, because this paragraph is getting so big & nobody's going to bother to read this if it gets too big. But everyone -- you've been wonderful!!

And last but not least, of course, Tse Mun and Pei Lee, my best friends. I've known Tse Mun since I was nine, and she knows me better than even Denise knows me (and Denise is my best friend in class, and I see her & talk to her like every day so Denise knows me really really really well -- too well, might I add.. ;D) -- anyway, Tse Mun is just the best lah, our families know each other also because me & Tse Mun are so close. And Pei Lee, I've known her since I was eleven, and although she's the kinda quiet type so she doesn't say much, but we really cemented our friendship in primary school (Standard 5, Standard 6) -- all those times going for recess together, and running off to the garden-ish part of school, walking round and round the circular slabs of stone, just talking and talking.. and since then Pei Lee's been right there for me when ever I need her, and I'll always be there when ever she needs me (and even when she doesn't, ahaha).. so having Tse Mun & Pei Lee in my life has made it an infinity more meaningful, because they've taught me so much. And other people may not have noticed the newfound strength in myself after PMR, but Tse Mun sure has. And that means a lot to me. I love you both!! (And Denise too, but she'll probably just go "Love? Ewwww..." Right anot Deee??)

So -- there you have it. The greatest friends I've ever met so far.

Besides that, I've crossed paths with teachers who have made real impacts in my life -- Pn Christena, who was the one who pushed me into public-speaking, who bugged me into becoming a better risk-taker, to expose me to competitions of a higher level.. I know that she definitely played an important role in my life. Maybe only in one aspect; but in the long run, that one aspect of being able to speak in front of a class or a group of people, truly helps me in everything that I feel passionate about -- writing, speaking in public to send an important message across, presenting ideas, and making friends.

Miss Magdalen, who supported me in the second step of stepping stones -- which have led me to a whole different level in my life where I have decided upon speaking as the core of my career. Miss Magdalen was my coach for the MPPJ Public-Speaking Competition, which is frankly the only speaking-related inter-school competition I've ever joined since primary school. I know she didn't even learn my name properly, but she was the only one who ever really gave any constructive criticism to my speaking. And that matters a lot, because everyone was always "Wah, Sha-Lene, aiyah you sure no problem wan lah" and "What to criticise? I compare myself to you also I dowan to think about it liao lah".. so I never had a chance to improve myself. I think that if it weren't for Miss Mag, I wouldn't have won the competition (I didn't win it as champion, but I found my third-place award to be a really really happy & triumphant outcome). I was so happy, my eyes were shining with tears and I was celebrating more than the first two winners! Hahaha.

Other than Pn Christena and Miss Mag, I think there are two other teachers who have made impacts in my life. Mrs Foo, my English teacher in primary school, who pushed me into competitions and gave me undesirably low marks for my essays so that I would never even have the chance to get overconfident -- and Pn Tan Lee Yin, my current English teacher (Form 4, Form 5) who hugs me before competitions and says I'd better give her a free set when I publish my series of children's books. Hahhaha!

Okay, I have to go now, because I have school tomorrow; but I just want to add.. becoming a prefect and joining the editorial board have given me the most valuable experiences in my life.. and all this, all the ups and downs I've had, will arm me for the future...

Aiyoh, this post has gotten too long. I guess nobody's going to read past the first paragraph! HAHAHA..

Sunday, October 23, 2005

LOVE is Water-Solluble

It is!

Haha, I've been dying to put that line out somewhere it can be read.. ever since I thought of it last Monday, anyway. *giggles* See, I was doing some work on Chemistry (I know, weird huh, considering I haven't got any chemistry with Chemistry.. hahaa ok 1am is my 'lame' hour..).. oh wait, I've strayed too far off course.. I meant to explain my "love is water-solluble" declaration. Okay, it's like this.. the soap (R-COO') thing's got two parts, hidrofobik and hidrofilik, right? (Sorry, too lazy to translate this stuff to English.. ahaha) Filik means cinta, which means love. Bahagian yang hidrofilik larut dalam air, tidak larut dalam pelarut organik. To remember it.. LOVE is water-solluble. Hah!!

Besides that, I found Vanessa's new website on MSN space.. which was linked to Mayshi's site (Mayshi is her cousin & my schoolmate & friend).. which was linked to Chu Jie's site.. (Chu Jie is one of my favourite people in the whole wide world!! Yay~) and you know what? I feel so flattered I'm mentioned in Bessha's and Chu Jie's blogs! It's almost like being in the newspaper, wooo~ In Vanessa's blog, I'm "OCI" and "OCD girl" -- meaning I suffer from the joker's version of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (if unclear of meaning, watch Monk)... yahh.. and I'm going to steal one of Chu Jie's blog entries and put it here (I hope she doesn't mind! Hehee) so that I can take my own sweet time on writing about the prefects' dinner..

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Prefects' Dinner

after spending RM 150 over for my dress, the night has finally come.

the ballroom is darn nice! i can't believe that we (seniors) do not need to pay a single sen for this dinner. The food is nice~~~

it is quite facsinating to see everyone in some other colour other than the usual blue. The guys are mainly in white, blue and black and the girls are mainly in black. In my opinion, Daphne, Stef, Michelle and Sha-Lene looked nice! Edwina said i looked cute.. ha.. Ch'n Yao stood out among the guys by wearing a bow-tie! He looked extreamely gentleman-- the SUPER-NICE guy.. no offence but i think Faith's outfit was kinda old.. (seriously no offence) it somehow reminds me of the old-China war where all the soldiers wear on to protect themselves from the weapons.. except Faith's one is blue and has flower-patterns on it.

the performance is not bad.. though i think they could do better.
Singing~~ Modelling~~ Auction~ Drama~~
1. modelling and drama was quite confusing...
2. the auction is so funny!! we sell ppl instead of items.
~Kevin did a nursery rhythme with a dance..

~Marcus & John (can u believe this? itz JOHN!!) did a hilarious banana dance! haa.. we were laughing like crazy!
~Mr Chia became one of the 'items'.
9ppl (3 teams each) have to dance with him! Nimalan, Stephanie and KEvs one was funny.. Nimalan made Mr Chia waltz with him! Laura and Min Li's one was ok.. but the REAL STAR was ben & mughilen! They went for a break dance and Mr Chia is supportive enough to join them!~ when Daphne became the 'item', Ern Sheong did a hilarious dance! it was really cool~ can't describe it in words.. =p

at the end of the night, it is camera time! everyone walking around taking photos! some ppl even made me, the camera-monkey take their pictures.. we had a group photo too! which i pity the waiters.. they were taking a lot of pictures with a lot of cameras!

all in i think itz a fabulous night! everything is nice.. and i got the most dedication in the booklet!! ALONE!! even more than Ern Sheong!!! hahaahahaha... too bad... i'm just popular!! muahahahahahahhhahhahah!!!! (jkjk)

posted by chujie at 12:08 PM


Well, there you go, Chu Jie's blog entry about the prefects' dinner. ;) I'm sure you'll have enjoyed that, because it definitely is very different from what I would have said.. I wouldn't have been so honest, of course, because I'm a conformist (at the moment, at this minute, at this stage of my life, anyway)... and I tend to sugar-coat things to avoid hurting people.. yeah, I'm working on that.. if it really is a bad trait anyway.. yah anyway, saw my name is her entry??! *beams proudly*

-the compulsive sugar coater-

Monday, October 17, 2005

Flickers Before SPM

Officially 14 days to the end of October. And after another 14 days... SPM.

Question: Am I prepared?
Answer: No! No, no, no - far from it!

I'm trying not to panic, but there are times when the the fear just sneaks up on me. I still have to get my facts straight for History -- because no matter how many times I've been through the syllabus, I can't seem to keep it all in my head. Sometimes I wonder if there really isn't a great big hole at the back of my head where most of my brain cells fall out from when ever I laugh. English isn't as easy for me as my friends keep saying, because it's the subject I'm really pressured to do well in. My conscience insists on going through the literature bits again, especially Steinbeck's novel. Aargh. And BM! I know most SPM candidates find BM the most treacherous, most cruel of all exams including Bio, Chem and Physics, but I actually like BM. It doesn't require a lot of memorizing (not as much as Pure Sciences, anyway) and the literature part's virtually unrealistic. I wouldn't call it easy peasy lemon squeasy, but it definitely is more enjoyable to work through than say, add math. Speaking of add math, I truly hope I can do well in it -- maybe even try my hardest for an A1? Math is math, and if I can do mod math, I have to work for add math! Moral Education is basically just memorizing a whole sheet of whackjob words, so I'll try to keep steady on not letting that fall out of the back of my head. Haha. And EST, well, I really don't know how I'm supposed to prepare for EST. Maybe read up on soil erosion and deforestation, stuff along those lines. Heh.

Next I've got the sciences. This is where I can start pulling my hair out. Physics, maybe not so bad. Bad, but not so bad. Biology? Killer material. Chemistry? *shrugs hopelessly* However, I refuse to give up with nearly a month left. Okay, enough of SPM jitters.

Life before SPM flashes by in flickers. Reminds me of a stroboscope, where everything's still for a long moment and then the rest of the pictures just rushes past.

Ah, well, I guess I'd better go offline now. Maybe stay away from the attic until after SPM. (Computer is in the attic, ahaha isolated from the rest of the house, I think my parents secretly decided to put it there so that I would be discouraged from climbing all the way up to use the internet.. hahh)..

Cheerios! Will elaborate on the prefects dinner once I work out the formatting and stuff. ;)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Prefects Dinner 2005

Hello new blog!

Ta-da! Pictures from tonight's prefects dinner at the Parkroyal. Pictures speak a thousand words, and it's taken me ages to upload all these, so I'll leave the commentary for another time.


Here are some of the people at my table! From left: Kenneth, Wing Chuan, Daphne, Victor (behind), me & Pei Lee.

My classmates from lower secondary -- from left: Lixin, May Ling, me & Michelle.

May Ling, me & Suh Ming (Nostalgian!) ;D

Group photo .. can't see a thing.. haha poor waiters.. btw I'm in the first row, far left.

From left: Kye Li (she's so cute!), me and Edwina (she's soo nice!!).

I love this picture! And it's not (only) because I think Juney is sooo darn good-looking, but other than that -- he's smiling! He NEVER smiles in pictures.. there's this "tragic look" that he goes for.. he thinks it makes him more handsome.. hah!! I like him better smiling. And I insist on calling him Juney. ;P

From left: Beng Keat (catman, that's what he calls himself, ahAHHAA), Chu Jie & me.

From left: Michelle, me, Chu Jie & Faith.

From left: Stephanie Lim, me & Izzati (Zaty). So sweet!